Online URL Encoder / Decoder

Optimize Your site in Search Engine

URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

A URL Encoder/Decoder tool is used to encode or decode URLs to ensure they are properly formatted for transmission over the internet. This involves converting special characters into a format that can be transmitted safely (encoding) or converting encoded URLs back into their original format (decoding). Here’s a detailed overview of how such a tool works:

Step-by-Step Process

1. User Input:

  • The user provides the URL or string they want to encode or decode.

2. Choosing Operation:

  • The user specifies whether they want to encode or decode the input string.

3. Encoding Process:

  • URL Encoding: Special characters in the URL are replaced with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII code of the character.
  • Characters that are not alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) or reserved characters are encoded.
  • For example, a space character (" ") is encoded as "%20".

4. Decoding Process:

  • URL Decoding: Encoded characters (i.e., those starting with "%") are converted back to their original characters.
  • The tool scans the URL for patterns matching "%XX", where "XX" is a hexadecimal number, and replaces them with the corresponding character.

5. Displaying Results:

  • The tool displays the encoded or decoded URL to the user.


  • URL Encoding: The `urllib.parse.quote` function encodes the input string by replacing special characters with their percent-encoded equivalents.
  • URL Decoding: The `urllib.parse.unquote` function decodes the encoded string by replacing percent-encoded characters with their original characters.
  • Example Usage: The example demonstrates encoding a URL with spaces and special characters, then decoding it back to its original form.

Advanced Features

  • Batch Processing: Allowing users to encode or decode multiple URLs at once.
  • Custom Character Sets: Providing options to encode or decode using custom character sets or handling specific characters differently.
  • Validation: Adding validation to ensure the input string is a valid URL before encoding or decoding.
  • User Interface: Implementing a user-friendly interface for users to easily input URLs and view results.

Practical Applications

  • Web Development: Ensuring URLs are properly encoded for transmission in HTTP requests.
  • Data Transmission: Safely encoding data to be included in URLs, such as query parameters.
  • SEO: Encoding URLs to ensure they are search engine friendly and do not contain invalid characters.
  • Email Links: Encoding URLs in email links to prevent issues with special characters.


  • Flask Web Application: This example sets up a simple web application using Flask.
  • Form Handling: The form captures the input string and operation (encode or decode) from the user.
  • URL Encoding/Decoding: Based on the selected operation, the input string is either encoded or decoded using the `urllib.parse` functions.
  • Template Rendering: The result is displayed to the user using a simple HTML template.

By following the steps and examples outlined above, you can create a robust URL Encoder/Decoder tool that is useful for a variety of web development and data transmission tasks.