Get Source Code of Webpage

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Get Source Code of Webpage

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About Get Source Code of Webpage

A "Get Source Code of Webpage" tool is designed to fetch and display the HTML source code of a given webpage. This tool can be useful for web developers, designers, and anyone interested in analyzing the structure and content of a webpage. Here's a detailed overview of how such a tool works:

Step-by-Step Process

1. User Input:

  • The user provides the URL of the webpage they want to retrieve the source code from.

2. HTTP Request:

  • The tool sends an HTTP GET request to the provided URL to fetch the webpage content.
  • This is typically done using libraries like `requests` in Python or `axios` in JavaScript.

3. Handling the Response:

  • The server responds with the HTML content of the webpage.
  • The tool checks the response status to ensure the request was successful (status code 200).

4. Parsing the HTML:

  • The tool may parse the HTML content to ensure it is correctly formatted and to handle any encoding issues.
  • Libraries like BeautifulSoup (Python) or Cheerio (JavaScript) can be used for parsing, if necessary.

5. Displaying the Source Code:

  • The HTML source code is displayed to the user in a readable format.
  • The tool may highlight the syntax for better readability, using libraries like Prism.js for syntax highlighting.


  1. HTTP GET Request: The `requests.get` function sends an HTTP GET request to the specified URL.
  2. Error Handling: The `response.raise_for_status` function checks if the request was successful. If not, it raises an HTTPError.
  3. Return Source Code: If the request is successful, the HTML content of the webpage is returned.

Advanced Features

  1. Syntax Highlighting: Enhancing readability by applying syntax highlighting to the HTML source code.
  2. Handling Different Encodings: Ensuring the tool correctly handles webpages with different character encodings.
  3. User-Agent Customization: Allowing users to specify a custom User-Agent header to mimic different browsers.
  4. JavaScript Rendering: Using headless browsers like Puppeteer or Selenium to fetch the rendered HTML content for pages that rely heavily on JavaScript.
  5. Error Handling: Providing detailed error messages and handling various HTTP response codes (e.g., 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error).

Practical Applications

  1. Web Development: Helping developers inspect the structure and content of a webpage for debugging and learning purposes.
  2. SEO Analysis: Analyzing the source code of a webpage to understand its SEO elements, such as meta tags, headings, and structured data.
  3. Content Scraping: Extracting specific information from webpages for data analysis and research purposes.
  4. Educational Purposes: Teaching students and beginners about HTML and webpage structures by providing real-world examples.


  1. Pygments Library: The `highlight` function from the Pygments library is used to apply syntax highlighting to the HTML source code.
  2. HtmlLexer: The `HtmlLexer` class is used to lex the HTML content.
  3. TerminalFormatter: The `TerminalFormatter` class formats the highlighted code for display in the terminal.

By implementing these steps and features, a "Get Source Code of Webpage" tool can effectively fetch and display the HTML source code of webpages, aiding in various web development, SEO, and educational tasks.